May 8 - MATE | New Australia Day
Why May 8 ? MAAAATE Why not May 8.. ?
There is growing opinion that January 26th does not allow all Australians to celebrate Australia's greatness so why not choose a day that we can celebrate together.
May 8 has no precise significance ...
We are proposing May 8 giving consideration to all Australians and all the history of Australia will make Australia Day more inclusive and Australia a greater nation for it.
Mate ...
Being a Mate crosses cultural community religious and racial barriers... we all have a mate and we are all somebody's mate so let's join together and respect the individual contribution we make and that our communities make to Australia as we celebrate Australia Day on May 8 Mate!
May 8.. Mate Day
❊ When ❊
Date: Thursday 8th May 2025
❊ Web Links ❊
→ May 8 - MATE | New Australia Day→
→ Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more
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