is a website offering easy to use and comprehensive travel guides to destinations around the world.

Each location has pages focusing on 'Things to do' 'Getting there and staying where?' and all the 'Essential info'.

Travel Unpacked is the hard work of Chris Jubb a traveller from England with a desire for adventure. Now an Australian citizen living in Melbourne he writes guides to help others on their journeys.

Travel Unpacked is well researched and a comprehensive guide.

Travel Unpacked Mission
Our mission is to create a comprehensive independent free and easy to use travel guide to everywhere in the world.

About Travel Unpacked Guides
The 'things to do' list within our guides are ordered generally based on popularity with the the most common things to do at the top and the most obscure or infrequently visited at the bottom. The order is our opinion only and based on extensive knowledge and research on the particular location.

This is only intended to be a rough order though since everyone is different hence why they are not numbered. This way you can judge for yourself what is important for you to experience and what is not and gives you the freedom to personalise your trip however you see fit.

The guides themselves have all been created independently. We do not accept any form of "support" to boost the rank of any 'thing to do'.

AustraliaNorthern Territory

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